Home Modification Funding Options
Our Oakley Home Access team is as passionate about funding for home modifications as we are about the home modifications themselves. After we complete our free home safety assessment and determine the proper modifications for each individual situation, we always discuss funding. There are several funding sources for most people to consider if they are not able to pay out of pocket. Home modifications and aging in place are much less expensive alternatives to assisted living or long-term care facilities. Oakley Home Access can assist as much as possible during the process of aquiring funding. This discussion in particular speaks about Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and even some national resources.
RI Livable Home Modification Grant. This state-funded program offers to pay for 50% of up to $8,000 worth of Home Modifications ($4,000 reimbursed) and/or home accessibility equipment including ramps and stairlifts. The idea is that home modification can enable homeowners or renters with disabilities or mobility issues to remain in their own homes safely and avoid relocation to costly long-term care facilities. Eligibility requirements are very generous; they are explained in the full grant application package. Eligibility is based on the income of the individual who has the disability or need, and not on household income.
Rhode Island Medicaid. Recipients of RI Medicaid benefits may be eligible for waiver programs funding stair lifts and ramps. We are State approved providers and can check on eligibility and bill the state directly after acquiring authorization. In addition, if an individual has Neighborhood Health Plan as primary or secondary insurance, they may be eligible for stair lifts and ramps.. We are providers who can work with NHP for authorization and billing as well.
Long-Term Care Policy. LTC policies generally covers nursing home residency; however, there are often many other benefits that include home modifications to facilitate Aging in Place. People who have a policy may not realize that these types of modifications are included in their coverage. We always encourage families to inquire with their financial advisors and/or insurance agents in order to discuss benefits specific to individual policies. Regardless, we ask every client if they happen to carry a long term care policy.
Long-Term Care Policies will generally reimburse up to $7,000 for home modification services while the policyholder is in a ‘capture period.’
The long-term care insurance company would rather pay for services and equipment provided by a company like Oakley Home Access in order to keep the policy holder safe in their home versus pay a nursing home approximately $150,000.00 per year if the individual needed to become a permanent resident (which the insurance company would be responsible for in most cases)
Veterans Administration. One of the grant programs through the Veterans Administration is called the Home Improvements and Structural Alterations Grant.
This grant provides funding for medically necessary improvements and structural alterations to Veterans or Servicemembers’ primary residence. The grant will provide up to $6800 towards home modification depending on time served and the disability level of the veteran. This lifetime award can be divided up and used over time.
The Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP): State funded loan for Massachusetts Residents. The program assists those with disabilities to access up to $40,000 to complete home modifications which promote aging in place and improved quality of life. These funds do not gain interest and do not require monthly payments. However, at the time the title of the home is transferred (sold or gifted), these funds are to be repaid to the state in the full amount which they were taken out. Often times approval can take several months so this funding option is best for proactive situations.
Disability Organizations We always encourage health care providers and individuals alike to advocate and contact any disability organization or support group they may be involved with in order to inquire regarding funding for home modifications. Worst that can happen is they say No. If the answer is no, be sure to ask what benefits they DO offer. Some organizations to consider depending on diagnosis include:
American Parkinson’s Disease Association: Massachusetts Chapter. There are $300 grants available to cover a wide variety of home modifications.
National MS Society. Members are often eligible for thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment with a simple application and letter from physician confirming diagnosis.
ALS Association of RI. Members are each eligible for $1,500 towards purchase of stair lift and a wide variety of home care benefits
Infantile Paralysis Association. Individuals with Polio have a funding option which often puts thousands for wheelchair ramps and various adaptive equipment.
Travis Roy Grant. Individuals who have acquired a spinal cord injury in their lifetime are eligible to pursue a grant through the Travis Roy Foundation. Applications are generally viewed monthly and can cover thousands of dollars’ worth of home accessibility equipment.
Oakley Home Access will work with you to find the best community resources for your unique needs. Big news is around the corner for Massachusetts State Funding for Home Modifications. More to come on our social media and blog series in the very near future.
Please visit our showrooms located in Narragansett, RI and Walpole, MA to see options for your home; or to learn more about our services, visit oakleyhomeaccess.com.