Posts Tagged ‘home modifications’

Fall Prevention Month and Free Home Safety Assessments

June being Fall Prevention Month, we feel it’s the best time to be sure that your home is optimized for safety.  We’ve all read the statistics that just about ⅓ of senior citizens will fall every year and that falls are the number one cause of injuries for the elderly. Hip fractures, cuts, bruises, and…

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Occupational Balance

People often wonder how to balance all of the aspects of their busy lives. From work responsibilities to family commitments, in our modern world we all have a lot going on! This is especially true for those who are caregivers to an elderly spouse or loved one. In these cases, it is especially important to…

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Visitability & Adapting Your Home For Visitors

With the holidays approaching, many of us will be opening our homes to friends and family. Of course some visitors will effortlessly be able to enter and navigate a standard home with multiple steps to enter & stairs to common areas. Many visitors, for a wide variety of reasons, have trouble climbing steps or utilize…

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Long-Term Care Policies and Home Modification Funding

One of the most frequent questions that we are asked regards how to pay for home modifications. We have covered several options that are available in previous blogs, but one of the more overlooked options is the Long-Term Care Policy. Long-Term Care policies are often erroneously referred to as ‘Nursing Home Insurance’ and though they will…

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RI Livable Home Modification Grant Application Process

The RI Livable Home Modification Grant reimburses 50% of the cost of modifying homes, up to a total of $5000.  Home modification can enable homeowners or renters with disabilities or mobility issues to remain in their own homes safely and avoid relocation to costly long-term care facilities. Eligibility requirements are very generous; they are spelled out in the…

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Dangers and Drawbacks to Glass Shower Doors

Some individuals choose glass shower doors because they look nice and they let in light when you are in the shower. The trade-off from having something that looks good, however, is a significant decrease in safety & accessibility. We dislike them in any home, and because our focus is on safety and aging in place,…

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Safety and Convenience: Tub Transfer Bench

One of the simplest tools that we offer to greatly increase bath safety is the tub transfer bench. This tool improves access to a tub or shower without making permanent changes to a bathroom while significantly reducing fall risk. One of the most dangerous transfer an individual performs in a day is getting into and out of…

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Accessibility Solution: Vertical Platform Lift

For those with mobility issues that require the use of a wheelchair, the installation of a vertical platform lift can mean accessibility to otherwise inaccessible homes. These types of lifts are usually installed outside or in a garage. The user can simply roll onto the platform, push a button, rise to the level of the…

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